Lip Fillers
Lip augmentation can maintain the natural lip shape and create a plumpness to the lip volume and accentuate the cupids bow. This photo is immediately after injection. Swelling will subside.
This popular pout-enhancing treatment plumps the lips, creating a fuller, more defined lip line. Many patients have this procedure to offset the degradation of collagen that comes with age and rehydrate the area. By restoring volume, lips appear more symmetrical and any fine lines surrounding them, including smoker’s lines, are noticeably softened.
The strategic placement of ultra-fine hyaluronic acid-based fillers adds volume to specific parts of the lip, most notably the vermillion border (the edge of your lip) and the philtrum (Cupid’s bow). These fillers sit where they are injected and, being hydrophilic (water-loving) in nature, they are able to hold their shape for many months. Lip augmentation is sometimes performed in conjunction with the “lip flip” <link> or gummy smile treatment. As with all our treatments, we will always discuss the desired outcome during your consultation.
The treatment takes 30 minutes and can last for up to a year, depending on the amount of filler that is used, and how quickly the patient’s body metabolises the substance.
Starting from £595